

Infant Massage 6 Weeks to 6 Months

Infant massage is a way to gently nurture and spend time with your baby. Research suggests that infant massage can have various health benefits, like encouraging interaction between yourself and your child, help your baby relax and sleep, positively effect infant hormones that control stress, and reduce crying. It’s also a great opportunity to connect with other parents.

Dates: TBA

Location: TBA

Please contact me for more information!

Play & Movement Groups


Parent-Child Class: 6-12 Months

This class encourages babies to playfully engage in age-appropriate activities through singing, games, and movement! Parents learn to understand their child’s development, and become confident in their supporting role in it. We’ll make friends and have fun too!

Dates: TBA
Location: TBA

Please contact me for more information!


Playgroup: 1-2 Years

In this class older children are invited to explore their environment and to engage their world and others more actively! Movement, play, and social interaction becomes more important as children grow older. Parents are welcome to stay and continue to share, witness, and enjoy their child’s ever unfolding development.

Dates: TBA
Location: TBA

Please contact me for more information!

“Working with Sa has been life altering for our family. She has given me the tools to help guide my children and support them emotionally in a way that has brought ease and understanding into our family.” 

— Maya, Colchester, VT